Chairs of MIAI Grenoble Alpes TEST2
Axis 1 : Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI
Past chairs
- Lorena Anghel & Alexandre Valentian - Hardware for spike-coded neural networks exploiting hybrid CMOS non-volatile technologies (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Frédéric Pétrot - Digital Hardware AI Architectures (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Denis Trystram - Edge intelligence (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Lorena Anghel & Alexandre Valentian - Hardware for spike-coded neural networks exploiting hybrid CMOS non-volatile technologies (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Frédéric Pétrot - Digital Hardware AI Architectures (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Denis Trystram - Edge intelligence (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
Axis 2 : Machine learning and reasoning
3IA-Cluster joint chairs
- Sophie Achard (International) - Advanced Spatiotemporal Statistical Frameworks for brain connectivity (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Emilie Devijver - Causality (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
Past chairs
- Diane Larlus - Lifelong Representation Learning (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Julien Mairal - Towards More Data Efficiency in Machine Learning (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Jérôme Malick & Yurii Nesterov (International) - Optimisation & Learning (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Martial Mermillod ( & Sophie Achard) - Towards Robust and Understandable Neuromorphic Systems (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Anatoli Juditsky & Arkadi Nemirovski (International) - High-dimensional Inference by Convex Optimisation (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- (Past chair) Romain Couillet - Large Dimensional Statistics for AI (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2023)
- (Past chair) Jérôme Euzenat - Knowledge communication and evolution (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2023)
- (Past chair) Patrick Loiseau & Marie-Christine Rousset - Explainable and Responsible AI (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2023)
- Sophie Achard (International) - Advanced Spatiotemporal Statistical Frameworks for brain connectivity (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Emilie Devijver - Causality (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
Past chairs
- Diane Larlus - Lifelong Representation Learning (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Julien Mairal - Towards More Data Efficiency in Machine Learning (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Jérôme Malick & Yurii Nesterov (International) - Optimisation & Learning (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Martial Mermillod ( & Sophie Achard) - Towards Robust and Understandable Neuromorphic Systems (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Anatoli Juditsky & Arkadi Nemirovski (International) - High-dimensional Inference by Convex Optimisation (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- (Past chair) Romain Couillet - Large Dimensional Statistics for AI (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2023)
- (Past chair) Jérôme Euzenat - Knowledge communication and evolution (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2023)
- (Past chair) Patrick Loiseau & Marie-Christine Rousset - Explainable and Responsible AI (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2023)
Axis 3 : Perception and interaction
- Pia Katalin Bideau (International) - Visual Detection of Opportunities Determining Sequences of Contact States for Object Manipulation (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Max Langer (International) - 3D and 4D Phase Retrieval using Deep Learning (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Pierre-Brice Wieber (International) - Robots for Logistics in Social Environments (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Xavier Alameda-Pineda & Radu Horaud - Audio-visual machine perception and interaction for companion robots (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Pascal Perrier & Laurent Girin - Bayesian Cognition and Machine Learning for Speech Communication (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- François Portet & Laurent Besacier - Artificial Intelligence & Language (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Christophe Prieur - AI and dynamical systems: new paradigms for control and robots (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- (Past chair) Cordelia Schmid - Towards self-supervised visual learning (Sept. 2019 - Jan. 2021)
- (Past chair) Edmond Boyer - Data Driven 3D Vision (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2022)
- (Past chair) Gérard Bailly & James Crowley - Collaborative Intelligent Systems (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2023)
- Max Langer (International) - 3D and 4D Phase Retrieval using Deep Learning (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Pierre-Brice Wieber (International) - Robots for Logistics in Social Environments (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Xavier Alameda-Pineda & Radu Horaud - Audio-visual machine perception and interaction for companion robots (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Pascal Perrier & Laurent Girin - Bayesian Cognition and Machine Learning for Speech Communication (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- François Portet & Laurent Besacier - Artificial Intelligence & Language (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Christophe Prieur - AI and dynamical systems: new paradigms for control and robots (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- (Past chair) Cordelia Schmid - Towards self-supervised visual learning (Sept. 2019 - Jan. 2021)
- (Past chair) Edmond Boyer - Data Driven 3D Vision (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2022)
- (Past chair) Gérard Bailly & James Crowley - Collaborative Intelligent Systems (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2023)
Axis 4 : AI and society
- Salomé Cojean - Technologies Used in Pedagogy with Artificial Intelligence Adaptations (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Gilles Bastin - Algorithmic society (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Théodore Christakis - Legal and regulatory implications of artificial intelligence (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Thierry Ménissier - Ethics and AI (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- (Past chair) Sihem Amer-Yahia - Contextual Recommendations in Action - Bridging AI and Real-Life Economics (Sept. 2019- Sept. 2023)
- Gilles Bastin - Algorithmic society (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Théodore Christakis - Legal and regulatory implications of artificial intelligence (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Thierry Ménissier - Ethics and AI (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- (Past chair) Sihem Amer-Yahia - Contextual Recommendations in Action - Bridging AI and Real-Life Economics (Sept. 2019- Sept. 2023)
Axis 5 : Health
- Antoine Frenoy - Models and simulation-based parameter inference for microbial evolution (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Jean-Louis Pépin (International) - Sleep-Health AI (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Nicolas Vuillerme (International) - Smart Life Smart Living intercontinental. AI by and for people (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Philippe Cinquin - Deep Care: Patient Empowerment via a Participatory Health Project (Sept. 2019- Dec. 2024)
- Emmanuel Mignot (International) & Jean-Louis Pépin - My Way to Health 'trajectories medicine" (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Thomas Burger & Julien Thévenon - Artificial Intelligence for High throughput biomedical investigations (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Jocelyne Troccaz & Sanderine Voros - Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI) Assistant (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Jean-Louis Pépin (International) - Sleep-Health AI (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Nicolas Vuillerme (International) - Smart Life Smart Living intercontinental. AI by and for people (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Philippe Cinquin - Deep Care: Patient Empowerment via a Participatory Health Project (Sept. 2019- Dec. 2024)
- Emmanuel Mignot (International) & Jean-Louis Pépin - My Way to Health 'trajectories medicine" (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Thomas Burger & Julien Thévenon - Artificial Intelligence for High throughput biomedical investigations (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Jocelyne Troccaz & Sanderine Voros - Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI) Assistant (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
Axis 6 : Environment & Energy
- Jocelyn Chanussot & Wilfried Thuiller - Multiscale, multimodal and multitemporal remote sensing (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Nouredine Hadj-Said - Artificial intelligence for Smart Grids (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- (Past chair) Pierre Comon, Simon Barthelmé - Artificial Intelligence for High throughput biomedical investigations (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2021)
- (Past chair) Michel Campillo & Olivier Michel - Geophysical applications of AI for natural hazard and georesources (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2023)
- Nouredine Hadj-Said - Artificial intelligence for Smart Grids (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- (Past chair) Pierre Comon, Simon Barthelmé - Artificial Intelligence for High throughput biomedical investigations (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2021)
- (Past chair) Michel Campillo & Olivier Michel - Geophysical applications of AI for natural hazard and georesources (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2023)
Axis 7 : Industry 4.0
- Misaki Ozawa - Estimating the entropy of non-equilibrium physical, chemical, and biological systems from snapshot images using ML techniques (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Martin Uhrin (International) - From Edisonian trial and error to the inverse design of materials and molecules (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Gülgün Alpan - AI for data-driven and self-configurable supply chains (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Massih-Reza Amini & Alexis Deschamps - Machine learning for mAterial desiGN and Efficient sysTems (MAGNET) (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Martin Uhrin (International) - From Edisonian trial and error to the inverse design of materials and molecules (Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027)
- Gülgün Alpan - AI for data-driven and self-configurable supply chains (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
- Massih-Reza Amini & Alexis Deschamps - Machine learning for mAterial desiGN and Efficient sysTems (MAGNET) (Sept. 2019 - Dec. 2024)
3 IA - Cluster Joint Chairs :
- Sophie Achard - Advanced Spatiotemporal Statistical Frameworks for brain connectivity (Axis Machine learning and reasoning )
- Emilie Devijver - Causality & ML (Axis Machine learning and reasoning )
- Pierre-Brice Wieber - Robots for Logistics in Social Environments (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Max Langer - 3D and 4D Phase Retrieval using Deep Learning (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Pia Bideau - Visual Detection of Opportunities Determining Sequences of Contact States for Object Manipulation (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Salomé Cojean - Technologies Used in Pedagogy with Artificial Intelligence Adaptations (Axis AI and society)
- Jean-Louis Pépin - Sleep-Health (Axis Health)
- Nicolas Vuillerme - Smart Life Smart Living intercontinental. AI by and for people (Axis Health)
- Antoine Frenoy - Models and simulation-based parameter inference for microbial evolution (Axis Health)
- Misaki Ozawa - Estimating the entropy of non-equilibrium physical, chemical, and biological systems from snapshot images using ML techniques (Axis industry 4.0)
- Martin Uhrin - From Edisonian trial and error to the inverse design of materials and molecules (Axis industry 4.0)
- Emilie Devijver - Causality & ML (Axis Machine learning and reasoning )
- Pierre-Brice Wieber - Robots for Logistics in Social Environments (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Max Langer - 3D and 4D Phase Retrieval using Deep Learning (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Pia Bideau - Visual Detection of Opportunities Determining Sequences of Contact States for Object Manipulation (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Salomé Cojean - Technologies Used in Pedagogy with Artificial Intelligence Adaptations (Axis AI and society)
- Jean-Louis Pépin - Sleep-Health (Axis Health)
- Nicolas Vuillerme - Smart Life Smart Living intercontinental. AI by and for people (Axis Health)
- Antoine Frenoy - Models and simulation-based parameter inference for microbial evolution (Axis Health)
- Misaki Ozawa - Estimating the entropy of non-equilibrium physical, chemical, and biological systems from snapshot images using ML techniques (Axis industry 4.0)
- Martin Uhrin - From Edisonian trial and error to the inverse design of materials and molecules (Axis industry 4.0)
Past Chairs :
- Romain Couillet - Large Dimensional Statistics for AI (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Jérôme Euzenat - Knowledge communication and evolution (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Patrick Loiseau & Marie-Christine Rousset - Explainable and Responsible AI (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Lorena Anghel & Alexandre Valentian - Hardware for spike-coded neural networks exploiting hybrid CMOS non-volatile technologies (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Frédéric Pétrot - Digital Hardware AI Architectures (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Denis Trystram - Edge intelligence (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Sophie Achard & Martial Mermillod - Towards Robust and Understandable Neuromorphic Systems (Axis Machine learning and reasoning)
- Diane Larlus - Lifelong Representation Learning (Axis Machine learning and reasoning)
- Julien Mairal - Towards More Data Efficiency in Machine Learning (Axis Machine learning and reasoning)
- Anatoli Juditsky & Arkadi Nemirovski (International) - High-dimensional Inference by Convex Optimisation (Axis Machine learning and reasoning)
- Jérôme Malick & Yurii Nesterov (International) - Optimisation & Learning (Axis Machine learning and reasoning)
- Cordelia Schmid - Towards self-supervised visual learning (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Edmond Boyer - Data Driven 3D Vision (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Gérard Bailly & James Crowley - Collaborative Intelligent Systems (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Xavier Alameda-Pineda & Radu Horaud - Audio-visual machine perception and interaction for companion robots (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Christophe Prieur - AI and dynamical systems: new paradigms for control and robots (Axis Perception and interaction)
- François Portet & Laurent Besacier - Artificial Intelligence & Language (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Pascal Perrier & Laurent Girin - Bayesian Cognition and Machine Learning for Speech Communication (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Sihem Amer-Yahia - Contextual Recommendations in Action - Bridging AI and Real-Life Economics (Axis AI and society)
- Théodore Christakis - Legal and regulatory implications of artificial (Axis AI and society)
- Thierry Ménissier - Ethics and AI (Axis AI and society)
- Gilles Bastin - Algorithmic society (Axis AI and society)
- Philippe Cinquin - Deep Care: Patient Empowerment via a Participatory Health Project (Axis Health)
- Emmanuel Mignot (International) & Jean-Louis Pépin - My Way to Health 'trajectories medicine&apos (Axis Health)
- Thomas Burger & Julien Thévenon - Artificial Intelligence for High throughput biomedical investigations (Axis Health)
- Jocelyne Troccaz & Sanderine Voros - Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI) Assistant (Axis Health)
- Pierre Comon, Simon Barthelmé - Artificial Intelligence for High throughput biomedical investigations (Axis Environment & Energy)
- Michel Campillo & Olivier Michel - Geophysical applications of AI for natural hazard and georesources (Axis Environment & Energy)
- Jocelyn Chanussot & Wilfried Thuiller - Multiscale, multimodal and multitemporal remote sensing (Axis Environment & Energy)
- Nouredine Hadj-Said , Vincent Debusschere - Artificial intelligence for Smart Grids (Axis Environment & Energy)
- Gülgün Alpan - AI for data-driven and self-configurable supply chains (Axis industry 4.0)
- Massih-Reza Amini & Alexis Deschamps - Machine learning for mAterial desiGN and Efficient sysTems (MAGNET) (Axis industry 4.0)
- Jérôme Euzenat - Knowledge communication and evolution (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Patrick Loiseau & Marie-Christine Rousset - Explainable and Responsible AI (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Lorena Anghel & Alexandre Valentian - Hardware for spike-coded neural networks exploiting hybrid CMOS non-volatile technologies (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Frédéric Pétrot - Digital Hardware AI Architectures (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Denis Trystram - Edge intelligence (Axis Embedded and distributed AI and hardware architecture for AI)
- Sophie Achard & Martial Mermillod - Towards Robust and Understandable Neuromorphic Systems (Axis Machine learning and reasoning)
- Diane Larlus - Lifelong Representation Learning (Axis Machine learning and reasoning)
- Julien Mairal - Towards More Data Efficiency in Machine Learning (Axis Machine learning and reasoning)
- Anatoli Juditsky & Arkadi Nemirovski (International) - High-dimensional Inference by Convex Optimisation (Axis Machine learning and reasoning)
- Jérôme Malick & Yurii Nesterov (International) - Optimisation & Learning (Axis Machine learning and reasoning)
- Cordelia Schmid - Towards self-supervised visual learning (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Edmond Boyer - Data Driven 3D Vision (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Gérard Bailly & James Crowley - Collaborative Intelligent Systems (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Xavier Alameda-Pineda & Radu Horaud - Audio-visual machine perception and interaction for companion robots (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Christophe Prieur - AI and dynamical systems: new paradigms for control and robots (Axis Perception and interaction)
- François Portet & Laurent Besacier - Artificial Intelligence & Language (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Pascal Perrier & Laurent Girin - Bayesian Cognition and Machine Learning for Speech Communication (Axis Perception and interaction)
- Sihem Amer-Yahia - Contextual Recommendations in Action - Bridging AI and Real-Life Economics (Axis AI and society)
- Théodore Christakis - Legal and regulatory implications of artificial (Axis AI and society)
- Thierry Ménissier - Ethics and AI (Axis AI and society)
- Gilles Bastin - Algorithmic society (Axis AI and society)
- Philippe Cinquin - Deep Care: Patient Empowerment via a Participatory Health Project (Axis Health)
- Emmanuel Mignot (International) & Jean-Louis Pépin - My Way to Health 'trajectories medicine&apos (Axis Health)
- Thomas Burger & Julien Thévenon - Artificial Intelligence for High throughput biomedical investigations (Axis Health)
- Jocelyne Troccaz & Sanderine Voros - Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI) Assistant (Axis Health)
- Pierre Comon, Simon Barthelmé - Artificial Intelligence for High throughput biomedical investigations (Axis Environment & Energy)
- Michel Campillo & Olivier Michel - Geophysical applications of AI for natural hazard and georesources (Axis Environment & Energy)
- Jocelyn Chanussot & Wilfried Thuiller - Multiscale, multimodal and multitemporal remote sensing (Axis Environment & Energy)
- Nouredine Hadj-Said , Vincent Debusschere - Artificial intelligence for Smart Grids (Axis Environment & Energy)
- Gülgün Alpan - AI for data-driven and self-configurable supply chains (Axis industry 4.0)
- Massih-Reza Amini & Alexis Deschamps - Machine learning for mAterial desiGN and Efficient sysTems (MAGNET) (Axis industry 4.0)
Published on January 29, 2025
Updated on February 3, 2025
Updated on February 3, 2025