

  • ERC Consolidator Grant : Anne Socquet (2019), Elisa Vianello (2022), Julien Mairal (2023)
  • ERC Synergy Grant: Cyril Labbe (2020)
  • ERC Starting Grant: Oana Goga (2021), Michael Pereira (2022)
  • CNRS - Silver medal: Sihem Amer-Yahia (2020)
  • CNRS - Silver medal: Sophie Achard (2023)
  • CNRS - Silver medal: Christophe Prieur (2024)
  • IUF Junior: Séverine Louvel (2020)
  • IUF Junior: Hans Ijzerman (2020)
  • IUF Junior: Mauro Dalla Mura (2021)
  • IUF Senior: Laurence Nigay (2019)
  • IUF Senior: Eric Gaussier (2023)
  • Nomination to French Academy of Sciences: Michel Campillo (2019)
  • Nomination to French Academy of Sciences: Jocelyne Troccaz (2022)


  • Nomination to Ordre National du Mérite for Vincent Roca & Claude Catelluccia (2021)
  • Fellow association AAIA (Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association) Jocelyn Chanussot (2021)
  • Recognized  as Highly Cited Researchers (Thomson Reuters / Clarivate Analytics), Jocelyn Chanussot & Wilfried Thuiller (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
  • IEEE/SEE Glavieux price awarded to Romain Couillet (2021)
  • Fellow IEEE: Christophe Prieur (2022)
  • EIT innovation awards: Jean Louis Pépin (2022)
  • Enduring Impact Award: Jocelyne Troccaz (2022)



  • J.J. Moreau Prize from the Academy of Sciences - Jérôme Malick
  • ISCA Fellow - Gérard Bailly
  • Integrative Biology Medal from the Academy of Sciences - Wilfried Thuiller 
  • Member of the board of Directors of the Future of Privacy Forum - Prof. T. Christakis
  • 2023 WLA Prize in Computer Science or Mathematics  - Arkadi Nemirovski and Yuri Nesterov
  • Hibrogen Dynamic Compiler winner of the Embedded System Software Competition at the ESWEEK event - Frédéric Petrot
  • IAPP Westin Scholar Awards - Karathanasis Theodoros (CESICE)


  • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Outstanding Associate Editor 2022 - Xavier Alameda-Pineda
  • Female Best Thesis Award - Think Smartgrids, Lalitha Subramanian (G2ELab)
  • National MT180 France Award: Alphanie Midelet (HP2)

  • International MT180 Final (Québec City) - Audience Choice Award: Alphanie Midelet (HP2)

  • Best Ph.D. Presentation: Houssem Meghnoudj - MIAI Ph.D. Award - MIAI-days 2022

  • European ELLIS Ph.D. Award: Mathilde Caron (Thoth Inria)

  • Honorable Mention for Ph.D. Award: Gilles Kahn - Mathilde Caron (Thoth Inria)

  • Recipient of the 2022-2023 IAPP Westin Scholar Award aiming to recognize high-performing students enrolled in privacy-focused courses around the globe: Alexandre Lodie (CESICE)

  • Member of the French National Committee on AI and Data Ethics (CNPEN): Théodore Christakis (CESICE)


  • Best paper awards award BDA 2021: "Significance and Coverage in Statistically-Sound Group Testing". 37th Conference on Data Management - Principles, Technologies and Applications. Nassim Bouarour and co-authors 
  • Demonstration award 2021. Dora the explorer: Exploring Very Large Data with Interactive Deep Reinforcement Learning Authors' Copy. 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Queensland, Australia. Sihem Amer-Yahia and co-authors 
  • MICCAI 2021. "Challenge for endoscopic imagery segmentation". V. Sylvain Guy & Sandrine Voros 
  • Appointed as Member of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL). Claude Castelluccia
  • Appointed as a Member of the French National Committee on AI and Data Ethics. Théodore Christakis
  • IAPP Westin Scholar Award 2021. Work on data protection; "the Legal Status of Location Data". Award granted by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). Anaïs. Trotry
  • Best PhD award 2021. EAMT (European Association for Machine Translation). Maha Elbayad
  • Best Poster Award 2021. Conference SPIE - USA. Tamara Dupuy
  • MIAI-Deep Care Chaire - Startup: iLab award 2021 for Pelican Health


  • Winner of the IWSLT 2020 shared task on low latency speech translation. Laurent Besacier & Jean-François Portet 
  • Spotlight NeurIPS for "Honorable Mention Award" Web Conference 2020 for the paper "Facebook Ads Monitor: An Independent Auditing System for Political Ads on Facebook". Jérôme Malick and co-authors 
  • Best Paper Award, ACM TOMM. Nicolas D. Georganas (2020)
  • Best PhD thesis award, GdR ISIS/EEA/GRETSI. X. Mai 
  • Best Paper Award BDA 2020. Guided Exploration of User Groups. Proc. VLDB Endow. 13(9): 1469-1482. Mariia Seleznova & co-authors 
  • PhD Award 2020- Think Smart grids society. Audrey Moulichon
  • PhD Award 2020- Think Smart grids society. Barnabé Potel


  • Ten-Year Technical Impact Award Runner-ups Conference ACM ICMI 2019. 21st ACM International Conference on Mulitmodal Interaction. James Crowley 
  • Runner-up for the 2019, CNIL-Inria Award for Privacy Protection for the paper: "Investigating Ad Transparency Mechanisms in Social Media: A Case Study of Facebook's Explanations". Patrick Loiseau, Oana Goga, and co-authors 
  • Best Student Paper Award, EUSIPCO’19. Malik Tiomoko 
  • Data challenge des Journées Francophone de Radiologie. Challenge of medical imagery. Stenzel Cackowski 
  • Test of time award at ICML 2019, Julien Mairal
Published on  October 19, 2023
Updated on June 12, 2024