Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Now it is estimated that there are about 30% of women in this sector. The massive integration of women in the field would not be a strong added value?

The European Commission's report and studies demonstrate that gender equality in all sectors, and in particular in the digital sciences and AI sector, would lead to more talent, vision and resources. Indeed, the lack of gender balance, particularly the lack of women in technology development teams, also has an impact on innovation.

In spite of this observation, the figures are worrying:
In Europe: 57% of women are in higher education, of which only 24.9% are in ICT fields and only 13% of graduates are working in ICT. The percentages decrease considerably for more senior positions ....
In France, the Villani report indicates that we have only 15% of women in AI.
Faced with all the above elements, MIAI@Grenoble Alpes has set up a " Diversity, Equity and Inclusion " working group with the major objective of increasing gender diversity and inclusion within its community.

This is done by implementing a series of actions at different levels of training and education:
  • Diane Larlus, Head of the MIAI Chair: Life-long representation learning MIAI and Research Scientist in Computer Vision at Naver Labs Europe, is offering a training course for the professional development of teachers in primary and secondary schools: Discovering AI through games. This training course, labelled MIAI, is part of the Professional Development Program leaded by the Alpes Dauphiné region and validated by “Maison pour la Science”.
  • To increase interest and to encourage female students enrolled in computer science courses to continue their studies in the field. MIAI seeks to present the different backgrounds of women researchers, doctoral students and entrepreneurs in the field through diverse events.
  • This working group is supported by the Equality Mission from Grenoble Alpes University, which carries out training and awareness-raising activities for the presidents and vice-presidents of selection committees (MCF and PR recruitments at Grenoble INP-UGA).
  • Other initiatives we would like to see in collaboration with the rectorate are currently being considered...


  • Women in AI (second edition): 11 February 2022 from 11:00 to 12:30: Round table on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
  • Gender of Technology? : 3 March 2022 from 9:00 to 12:00. Event part of the university's equality month
  • What AI brings for equality: 8 March 2022
  • Diversity Spring at MIAI: (date to be specified)


  • Sihem Amer-Yahia: Research Director at CNRS, MIAI Chair Contextual Recommendations in Action - Bridging AI and Real Life Economics and coordinator of the Diversity & Inclusion initiative for the data management research community (SIGMOD, VLDB,EDBT/ICDT, ICDE)
  • Emeline Langlois : Project Manager of the MIAI Institute
  • Agnès Helme-Guizon: CERAG UGA Laboratory, member of the MIAI-Scientific Board, MIAI-COMEX and Ethics & AI chair
  • Thierry Menissier: IPhiG Laboratory, UGA, MIAI- Ethics & AI Chairholder


Published on  October 30, 2023
Updated on November 9, 2023