- Call for projectsRencontre Partenaires - MIAI Cluster | Appel à Chaires 2024-2025On September 24, 2024MIAI Cluster lance un appel à chaires pour 2024-2025 dans le cadre de la récente labellisation Cluster IA.Find out more
- We are pleased to share with you the MIAI Distinguished Lecture on July 4th, with Márton Karsai, an Associate Professor at the Department of Network and Data Science at the Central European University in Vienna.Find out more
- The Grenoble-Swansea Centre for AI (GoSCAI) hold a 2 day workshop in Grenoble on 2nd and 3rd July 2024. The aim of the workshop is to develop new and enhance existing research relations across GoSCAI with a series of ta...Find out more
- MIAI@Grenoble Alpes is pleased to announce the next MIAI DAYS on June 17 and 18, 2024.Two full days dedicated to artificial intelligence that aim at presenting the recent advances of MIAI@Grenoble Alpes as well as ...Find out more
- SeminarWorkshop - Grenoble Artificial Intelligence for Physical Sciences (GAP 2024)From May 29, 2024 to May 31, 2024The Grenoble Artificial Intelligence for Physical Sciences (GAP 2024) workshop will explore the intersections between machine learning research and the study of physical systems described by systems of differential equat...Find out more
- We are pleased to share with you the seventh MIAI Distinguished Lecture on April 16th, with Ramesh Jain a distinguished entrepreneur, researcher, and educator, currently serving as the Emeritus Donald Bren Professor and ...Find out more
- Cette Journée est l'occasion de venir partager vos besoins et vos questionnements en formation professionnelle, avec au programme plusieurs ateliers de créativité, mini-conférences et temps de rencontres.Find out more
- Ceremony, Accolade/Award, AppointmentNomination d'EFELIA pour le 1er prix de l'impact CMAOn December 19, 2023Le projet EFELIA-MIAI est nominé pour un premier prix dans la catégorie Prix de l'impact parmi les dossiers lauréats de la saison 1 CMA!Find out more
- We are pleased to share with you the Seminar MIAI on November 28th, with Prof. Leopoldo Bertossi (SKEMA Business School - Montreal, Canada).Find out more
- We are pleased to share with you the seventh MIAI Distinguished Lecture on November 14th, with Prof. Jan Peters a full professor (W3) for Intelligent Autonomous Systems at the Computer Science Department of the Technisch...Find out more
- Webinaire - Les impacts généraux de la réglementation de l’IA pour les entreprisesOn September 8, 2023
- We are pleased to share with you the sixth MIAI Distinguished Lecture on July 5th, with Kenji Doya is a Professor of Neural Computation Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University.Find out more
- We are pleased to share with you the fifth MIAI Distinguished Lecture on June 1st, with Prof. Robert French, Emeritus Research Director at CNRS, University of Burgundy in Dijon.Find out more
- We are pleased to share with you the fourth MIAI Distinguished Lecture on March 1st, with Prof. Martha White, an Associate Professor of Computing Science at the University of Alberta and a PI of Amii–the Alberta Machine ...Find out more
- We are pleased to share with you the third MIAI Distinguished Lecture on January 25th, with CRISTIA Alejandrina, the CNRS researcher at the ENS who will give a distinguished lecture.Find out more
- MIAI@Grenoble Alpes is pleased to announce the next MIAI DAYS on December 5, 6 and 7, 2022Three full days dedicated to artificial intelligence that aim at presenting the recent advances of MIAI@Grenoble Alpes as well...Find out more
- We are pleased to share with you the second MIAI Distinguished Lecture on July 12th, with Prof. Aaron Courville (LISA Laboratory, University of Montreal) who will give a distinguished lecture.Find out more
- We are pleased to share with you the first seminar to inaugurate this series on September 30th, with Prof. Kristen Grauman (UT Austin / Facebook AI Research) who will give a distinguished lecture.Find out more
- MIAI@Grenoble Alpes is pleased to announce the next MIAI DAYS on May 3rd, 4th and 5th 2021Three full days dedicated to artificial intelligence that aim at presenting the recent advances of MIAI@Grenoble Alpes as well...Find out more
- MIAI@Grenoble Alpes organises the MIAI-DAY within the framework of the Festival Tansfo 2020On October 9, 2020The MIAI-DAY will take place within the framework of the Festival Tansfo 2020, which is dedicated to digital technologies and the environment.MIAI@Grenoble Alpes organises a full day dedicated to AI: the MIAI-DAY at th...Find out more
- MIAI@Grenoble Alpes organises the MIAI-DAY within the framework of the Festival Tansfo 2020On October 9, 2020The MIAI-DAY will take place within the framework of the Festival Tansfo 2020, which is dedicated to digital technologies and the environment.MIAI@Grenoble Alpes organises a full day dedicated to AI: the MIAI-DAY at th...Find out more
Published on December 11, 2023
Updated on April 17, 2024
Updated on April 17, 2024