Registration for attending the workshop on-site (including Julia Tutorial) are closed.
Remote participation is still possible.
We will have the pleasure of having keynote talks of the following confirmed speakers :
Chris Rackauckas | MIT (Scientific machine learning, Julia)
David Greenberg | Helmoltz Zentrum Hereon (Model-driven machine learning)
Emmanuel de Bézenac | ETH (Physics-informed neural networks)
Gilles Louppe | Université of Liège (Simulation-based inference)
Julia Gusak | Inria (Neural ODEs, neural operators, and their efficiency)
Marc Bocquet | Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (Data assimilation and ML)
Marylou Gabrié | École Polytechnique (Generative modelling)
Nicolas Boullé | University of Cambridge (Operator learning for PDEs)
Nicolas Brodu | Inria (Continuous causal states)
Ronan Fablet | IMT Atlantique (End-to-end neural data assimilation)