Projects for the development and promotion of AI


MIAI@Grenoble Alpes (ANR-19-P3IA-0003) launched a call for application to sustain the development and promotion of AI. The projects are funded up to 15k€ for one year.

This call is open to the MIAI community. Projects are encouraged to have a strong collaborative character and foster interactions between MIAI partners. The selection will be based on the scientific quality of the project, the collaborations it relies on, in particular industrial collaborations, and its interdisciplinary dimension.

Within this call, MIAI funded over 45 projects.


Project Head of the project Laboratory Project partners
Workshop on Spatial Statistics, Image Analysis in Biology, SSIAB15 Jean-François Coeurjolly LJK Nantes University, LUKE (Finland),  Aalborg University (Denmark),  Charles University (Czech Republic), Chalmers University (Sweden)
Alpine Game Theory Symposium Bary Pradelski LIG -
Strengthening the attractiveness of the electronics and computer science fields to middle and high school girls through appropriate communication Agnès Helme-Guizon CERAG -
Organization of RAIMM Xavier Alameda-Pineda LJK -
I2HM Didier Donsez LIG -
ITinHeritage Caroline Djambian GRESEC CNRS, Crete University (Greece), Genova University (Italy), CERV, CNAM
Colloque Français d'Intelligence Artificielle en Imagerie Biomédicale (IABM 2024) Benjamin Lemasson GIN TIMC, INRIA
International seminar -Variability in sleep Sebastien Bailly HP2 -
Ecole de Masse de Données (MDD 2024) Sihem Amer-Yahia, Fabrice Jouanot LIG CNAM, INRIA-Saclay, LIRIS
Exploring the Interplay of Differential Privacy and Fairness in ML Heber Hwang Arcolezi INRIA -
RHEODROP : RHEOlogical identification of fluids from DROPs Guillaume Maitrejean LRP QUT
Station de référence RTK pour le projet I2HM Didier Donsez LIG AEGIS, P-HP Hôpital Bichat, Institut Pasteur, ENSPY (Cameroun), Centre Pasteur du Cameroun, Université de Buéa (Cameroun)
Ecole d'hiver de l'ACP (Association For Constraints Programming) Margaux Nattaf G-SCOP -
Atelier sur l’intelligence artificielle pour les systèmes physiques Pedro Rodrigues INRIA LIG, LJK
22nd International Workshop in Spatial Econometrics and Statistics Adélaïde Fadhuile-Crepy, François CoeurJolly GAEL LJK
Multimodal Evaluation of Defecation Disorders:
Clément Loubens LRP TIMC (CHUGA & UGA)
 VIGIA-ML, Machine learning for explosive volcanic monitoring Sophie Giffard-Roisin ISTerre Columbia University (USA),  Istituto Geofisico del Peru (Pérou)


Project Head of the project Laboratory Project partners
Strengthening the attractiveness of the electronics and computer science fields to middle and high school girls through appropriate communication Jessica Gerard
Ecole de Masse de Données (MDD 2022) Fabrice Jouanot
Deep geometric and language models for the prediction of new drugs Sergei Grudinin
Localized and uncertainty-aware graph neural networks for anomaly detection and active learning Jocelyn Chanussot
User-centered development for data collection in endovascular revascularization Céline Fouard
Museum’ IT (Museums of Information Technologies) Caroline Djambian
DAISIES: Anomaly detection in Medical Imaging via weak supervised learning Michel Dojat
Background noise or added value? Managing noise in computational processing of language corpora Olivier Kraif
12th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW) Gérard Bailly
How AI models can deal with extreme values? Application to risk assessment Stéphane Girard
Unsupervised classification of multidimensional life trajectory data sequences Jérôme Gensel
Developing IA for estimating leaf area density area in tropical forests from LiDAR data Florence Forbes
SCREENER Lorraine Goeuriot
Congrès GRETSI 2023 Jérôme Mars
The role of algorithmic tools in the evolution of court practices: a comparative analysis of commercial and police courts in France and Belgium Laurence Dumoulin


Project Head of the project Laboratory Partners
Understanding consumers’ reactions to A.I food and beverage recommendations. Agnès Helme-Guizon LIG
Emmanuel Monfort
Integration of ARIMA predictions into a machine learning forecast of aggregate electricity demand: some tests David Grover
Oral disease detection Georges Quenot
 Artificial intelligence and legal decisions: explaining models’ predictions to investigate juges’ reasonning  Etienne Vergès
Radiomics and Deep Learning analysis of SPECT myocardial perfusion images for the diagnosis and prognosis of coronary microvascular dysfunction Benjamin Lemasson


Project Head of the project Laboratory Partners
Bayesian Deep Learning Julyan Arbel INRIA & LJK Oxford University
Open Data and Algorithms for Smart Building Indoor Temperature Forecast Benoit Delinchant G2ELab Probayes
RAAI - Radiotherapy Assisted by AI Michel Dojat INSERM INRIA, Pixyl, Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté
Nucléaire (IRSN)
WildCount: inexpensive edge sensor for recognizing and counting the presence of humans (anonymous) and animals into wild and protected areas. Didier Donsez LIG UGA, UMR PACTE, Réseau REFUGES SENTINELLE, Parc National des Ecrins
 Remote sensing SAR interferometry for surface deformation estimation in the Alps Sophie Giffard-Roisin ISTerre LISTIC
Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered Digital Twins (DTs): benefits and challenges Raania Khan GEM Schneider Electric
Characterization of problem types in production and supply chain Management towards an AI toolbox Gülgün Alpan G-SCOP Renault, Schneider Electric, ST Microelectronics, KLS
ALPS - Advanced Language Processing (Winter) School Laurent Besacier LIG Naver Labs Europe
Jean-Pierre Chevallet
Prediction of pollutant transport in an alpine valley for the next decade by deep learning Chantal Staquet Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels IGE, Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences
Development of a new device for measuring the rheological properties of fluids Guillaume Maîtrejean LJK Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés
 Performance of econometric and Machine Learning models for the economic study of discrete consumer choices Iragaël Joly GAEL G-SCOP
Artificial intelligence and legal decisions Etienne Vergès Centre de recherches juridiques LIG, LJK
Apply AI to the CIty: Computational Urban and Architectural Design Marin Philippe Méthodes et Histoire de l’Architecture (MHA) BMoffice
 Simulation of extreme values by AI generative models. Application to banking risk Stéphane Girard LJK Ecole Polytechnique, Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP)
AI applied to Transfer Pricing transactions Véronique Blum  CERAG EY (formerly Ernst & Young)


Published on  October 19, 2023
Updated on March 6, 2024