On October 13, 2022
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m Location
Amphithéâtre de la MaCI.
339 avenue Centrale - 38400 Saint-Martin d'Hères
Présentation d’EFELIA-MIAI. Jean-Louis Roch (ENSIMAG, Head of EFELIA-MIAI)
Towards AI-Powered Data-Driven Education. Sihem Amer-Yahia (CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, MIAI,France)
Abstract: Educational platforms are increasingly becoming AI-driven. Besides providing a wide range of course filtering options, personalized recommendations of learning material and teachers are driving today's research. While accuracy plays a major role in evaluating those recommendations, many factors must be considered including learner retention, throughput, upskilling ability, equality of learning opportunities, and satisfaction. This creates a tension between learner-centered and platform-centered approaches. I will describe research at the intersection of data-driven recommendations and education theory. This includes multi-objective algorithms that leverage collaboration and affinity in peer learning, studying the impact of learning strategies on platforms and people, and automating the generation of sequences of courses.
Présentation et réalisation du Bureau. Philippe Broun (Inria, Head of MIAI-Innovation Board)
Présentations des Programmes de soutien à la création d’entreprise.
Le programme Inria StartupStudio, Philippe Broun (Inria, member of MIAI Innovation Board)
Label-MIAI Innovation : Description et annonce des 8 startups labellisées MIAI.
Présentation du Worskshop des doctorants 3IA. Gabriel Job-Antunes-Grabher (MIAI PhD Club)
Futures chaires à MIAI. Eric Gaussier (Directeur MIAI)
12h55-13h00 :