MIAI at glance

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Who are we ?

MIAI Grenoble Alpes (Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence) aims to conduct research in artificial intelligence at the highest level, to offer attractive courses for students and professionals of all levels, to support innovation in large companies, SMEs and startups and to inform and interact with citizens on all aspects of AI.

MIAI key figures

Research chairs started since 2019
Publications since 2019
People trained in AI in 2022
(core AI, AI + Application, LLL)
Startups created since 2019
Members, including 220 permanent academic members and over 250 non-permanent members
18 awards

6 ERC,
2 Highly Cited Researchers,
5 IUF, 3 CNRS medals,
1 Fellow IEEE, 1 EIT innovation award
and many other ones!

Private partners
Exploratory & Open Call projects funded by MIAI since 2019

Discover MIAI

Find more about Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
Find more about Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
Anchored in its territory, multidisciplinary and open to the international, Université Grenoble Alpes brings together the main public higher education institutions of Grenoble and Valence. In association with the national research organizations and the international research facilities present on its territory, it builds its innovation policy on a global scale.