Presentation of Pépite Ozer, Pedro Prada (Director of Pépite Ozer)
11:30 – 11:50:
Presentation of IRT Nanoelec, Hughes Metras(Director of IRT Nanoelec)
11:50 – 12:25:
Tests and uses of deep-learning methods to predict biodiversity in space, Sara Si Moussi and Yuqing Hu (Postdoctoral Researchers at MIAI, LECA Laboratory)
12:25 – 13:00:
Interpretability of species distribution models based on deep convolutional learning, Benjamin Deneu and Alexis Joly
13:00 – 14:00
Published on November 2, 2023
Updated on December 12, 2023
On June 15, 2023
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m
IMAG. 700 avenue centrale, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères IMAG - Google Maps
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