Steering Comittee

Gouvernance MIAI Board
The steering committee is composed of representatives of the academic institutions permanent members of the MIAI consortium agreement (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GINP, CNRS, Inria, CEA, Inserm), the CHUGA and five representatives of industrial partners (non permanent members - turnover every 2 years).


Eric Gaussier : Institute Director of the MIAI Institute and Professor of Computer Science at Grenoble Alpes University.

Emeline Langlois : Project Manager of the MIAI Institute

Valérie Perrier : Vice-president of the Scientific Council of Grenoble INP

Isabelle Queinnec : CNRS research director of Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS-CNRS)

Camille Ducki:  Directrice de la Recherche en Santé chez CHU Grenoble Alpes

Jean-Rene Lequepeys : Deputy Director | CEA-Leti, technology research institute

Jean-Luc Coll : INSERM

Herve Courtois : Vice-President for Research and Innovation at Université Grenoble Alpes

Frederic Desprez : Senior Researcher at INRIA Deputy Scientific Director at INRIA

Moussa Belkhiter : Group Vice President Microcontrollers & Digital IC's Group at STMicroelectronics

Senan Doyle: CEO, Co-Founder at Pixyl

Didier Pellegrin: VP Analytics & Artificial Intelligence at Schneider Electric

Philippe Rase : International Business Planning Dir - Global Sales Strategic Partnership lead

Eric Monchalin : Eviden

Michel Gastaldo : Director, NAVER LABS Europe

Vanessa Prévot: Vice-President in charge of Research, Clermont-Auvergne University

Published on  October 30, 2023
Updated on July 24, 2024